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Talent Acquisition
There is a war for talent, especially amongst technology companies, but you didn't need us to tell you that. Here's how we can help.
Recruiting great candidates involves many facets. Are you successful in each of these?
  • Weaving a compelling story to your target audience
  • Driving Relevant Inbound Applications 
  • Outbound Headhunting 
  • Maximizing employee referrals
  • Managing agencies effectively
  • Leveraging best recruiting tools and products
  • Selecting and implementing an applicant tracking system
  • Hiring process, roles, and responsibilities
  • Candidate Experience and increasing Net Promoter Score
  • The proper blend of selling to achieve 85% offer accept rates
  • Onboarding from the offer letter through day 90
We'll not just tell you how to do the above, we'll dive in and show you. 
Compensation Strategy
We get it, it's tough to compete with Google, Facebook, and the rest, given resource constraints. For most tech companies, this will be roughly 70-75% of your total spend. It's important to be thoughtful about it. 
We help with the following:
  • Gathering relevant salary and equity research from other companies at your stage
  • Maximizing ROI of benefits and perks for the team you need today and the future
  • Understanding the long-term landscape and recommended adjustments
  • How to incorporate the proper level of transparency
  • Leveling exercises for your current team
  • Developing pay bands appropriate for your stage, that allow for flexibility
  • Communicating compensation philosophy, strategy, and adjustments to your team
People Manager Training
One of the most untapped problems in all of the technology industry. It's a war for talent. Your people are getting recruited 24/7. The foremost authority on employee retention indicates that people stay or leave because of their manager not company. What are you doing to develop your people managers?
Here's how we can help:
  • Working with founding and executive team to clarify culture, values, and philosophy
  • Build out frameworks and guidelines for people managers to work within
  • Proper training on conducting 1:1s
  • Propert coaching on giving feedback, including performance reviews
  • Working with your managers on risk mitigation; including harrassment, discrimination, etc...
  • Guidelines on promotions and terminations

HR for Startups LLC rights carefully reserved and preserved. 

Contact: or 415.685.3070. We are a San Francisco, CA based company

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